Bystronic Bysoft 7 Download
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You do pay for software updates and I believe the cost is about $500 per update. For instance, you have Bysoft 6.4.2 and want to upgrade to Bysoft 6.6.2. I believe there are 4 updates. You get a free update from 6.6.2 to 6.7.2.
If you bought a brand new machine, you would get the software for free and updates for a year. How much does the software cost? It depends what you want with the software (laser/waterjet, rotary, bending, unfolding, byorder, bytrace).

The basic package starts somewhere around $12K and this will do laser and waterjet technologies with nesting. I would sugest you talk to either the Applications Department or the Laser Product Manager at Bystronic to get the right answer.