Cerere Demisie Model Download

PDF/MOBI/EPUB Download the book of Model Demisie Cu Preaviz free. Zo, 27 jan 2019 12:15:00 GMT Model Cerere Demisie Cu Preaviz Model Cerere. Cerere Concediu Fara Plata Www.model-De.ro Cerere Executare Silita - Pvc Fara Sentinta - - Model Rovinieta - Pe Camera - CRISTIAN CRACIUN Model Decizie Incetare Contract Demisie.
Was uninvited by Georgianna from faction News Reporters (rank 1) after 10 days with 40 FP. Reason: Inactivitate mai mare de 72H.
7 minutes ago has left the faction Los Aztecas (rank 1) after 6 days using /quitgroup, with 40 FP 51 minutes ago has joined the group Taxi LV (invited by COSTy). 1 hour ago has joined the group Los Aztecas (invited by []Yeezus). 2 hours ago was uninvited by F@k3r from faction Paramedic Department (rank 1) after 7 days with 40 FP. Reason: Inactivitate mai mare de 72h [1/3 FW]. 2 hours ago has joined the group Taxi LV (invited by COSTy). 2 hours ago was uninvited by ExafiusFENOMEN from faction The Russian Mafia (rank 1) after 3 days with 40 FP. Reason: Demisie/Banned.
2 hours ago has joined the group Taxi LV (invited by COSTy). 2 hours ago was uninvited by F@k3r from faction Paramedic Department (rank 3) after 22 days with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie. 2 hours ago was uninvited by F@k3r from faction Paramedic Department (rank 3) after 30 days with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie.
2 hours ago was uninvited by WronteD from faction Federal Bureau of Investigation (rank 5) after 74 days with 0 FP. Reason: Demis la cerere. 3 hours ago was uninvited by cataM from faction San Fierro Paramedic Department (rank 5) after 127 days with 0 FP.
Reason: Demis la cerere. 3 hours ago was uninvited by WronteD from faction Federal Bureau of Investigation (rank 4) after 74 days with 0 FP. Reason: Acumulare a 3/3 Fw's. 3 hours ago has joined the group Red Dragon Triads (invited by Lov3lyMiNUNE).
3 hours ago was uninvited by WronteD from faction Federal Bureau of Investigation (rank 5) after 159 days with 0 FP. Reason: Demis la cerere. [v.1.02.01] - adaugat un nou quest, 'Spring Quest', pentru mai multe informatii - schimbarea hidden este acum gratuita pentru o perioada limitata de timp - raportul factiunii 'News Reporters' a fost actualizat. - war-urile care nu dureaza cel putin 10 minute nu se mai contorizeaza acum la promo.
- rezolvata o problema la comanda /turn care facea imposibila accesarea optiunii de 'oncalls' si 'offcalls'. [v.1.02.00] - quest-urile ('Narcotics Quest', 'Valentine's Day') au fost dezactivate. - giftbox-ul a fost dezactivat.
- schimbarea free a hidden-ului a fost dezactivata. - acum skin-ul se reseteaza adminilor care primesc remove. - comanda /n nu mai functioneaza pentru admini. - comanda /confiscate trimite acum un mesaj catre toate departamentele cand un permis este confiscat. - rezolvata o problema la sistemul de detectare c-bug si de asemenea actualizat un mesaj cu privire la c-bug. - rezolvata o problema la comanda /pizza legata de checkpoint-urile deja active.

- rezolvata o problema ce facea ca clan zone-urile sa nu se reseteze uneori la ora 18:00. - rezolvat un bug la quest-ul zilnic 'Transporta 10 cutii la job-ul Lyft Driver'. - rezolvat un bug la quest-ul zilnic 'Castiga de 5 ori la barbut'.
- adaugata comanda /setorder in /help pentru mafioti. - optiunea 'change nickname' din /hshop necesita acum 1500 HT, iar in /ashop 1000 AT.