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Is so much more than 31 days in May. It’s a celebration of bikes; a reminder to get rolling again; a gateway to riding more often; a time to evangelize the beauty of bikes; and much, much more. Since 1956, May has been recognized as National Bike Month, and the League has sponsored this celebration of bicycling for decades. National Bike to Work Week and Bike to Work Day are often cited as the month’s flagship events, occurring the third week and third Friday of May, respectively. Indeed, bike commuting has grown by 62% from 2000 to 2013 — but Bike Month is about so much more than just getting to and from the office.
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The momentum is building: With growing cultural awareness around health and wellness, sustainability and economic savings, bicycling is being seen by new and broader audiences as a simple solution to many complex problems, from reducing obesity rates to increasing mobility options. This year, we want to hear from you. What's your 'why?' With so many reasons to ride, what's yours? Use the hashtags #WhyIRide and #BikeMonth on social media and also tag! We'll be sharing submissions on our blog and social media throughout the month of May!
Learn more about Bike Month at.