Environmental Problems Of Kazakhstan Prezentaciya

Jun 18, 2018 - Safe Management of Uranium production in Kazakhstan. Issues ecological permissions for natural resources use and emissions into the. Currently, humanity has plenty of global environmental problems that it has to take care of now. Desiccation of the Aral Sea is one of the items on the list. The Aral Sea, is located in southwestern Kazakstan and northwestern Uzbekistan, near the Caspian Sea. The Aral Sea is still listed as the fourth largest lake in the world.

The basic principle of modern policy both on state, and on regional levels – to provide existence of globally competitive, innovative and effective policy concerning efficiency of use of resource potential of economy. In this regard experience of resource-saving policy in the developed countries which shows that in the field of economy of material raw material resources the long-term resource-saving policy is the cornerstone of positive results deserves attention. In article the main approaches to resource-saving as to a factor of increase in efficiency of social production in the conditions of ensuring sustainable development in Kazakhstan are defined. The concept of “green economy” which purpose of realization is preservation and restoration of the natural capital is considered. Expected indicators of development of economy in usual and “green” scenarios are given.

The international experience of practical realization of model of “green economy” is investigated. Implementation of the concept of “green economy” in the Republic of Kazakhstan as one of important instruments of providing a sustainable development of the country is considered). Emachines keyboard driver kb 0108 windows 7. Keywords Resource-Saving, Green Economy, Green Growth, Natural Capital, Sustainable Development. JEL Classification: A10, O1, Q00, Q3, Q3 Introduction The world economy is on a threshold of new increase in the volume of investment into fixed capital, the national economies directed on improvement of quality, and future new social and economic structure assumes widespread introduction of resource-saving technologies (Inclusive Green Growth, 2015).

That attention which in the last decades is paid to resourcesaving, testifies to gradual understanding by the world community of that fact that the mankind reached limits of growth with which the way of its existence was in a conflict with the planet which generated the person. In the millennia human activity for satisfaction of vital needs was directed on withdrawal of the resources recently making annually billions of tons. Universaljnij puljt mac 2002 kodi 17. There was an understanding of that natural resources aren't infinite that environmental pollution because of continuous increase in a production activity exceeds ecologically admissible norms, and the future is possible if to take extraordinary measures for restriction of consumption of all types of resources, radical reduction of dumpings of waste (Voshoboynik, 2014; Kolmakov et al., 2015; 2017). The modern period of development of economy of Kazakhstan is characterized by sharp increase in production and the subsequent use of natural resources (The concept of transition, 2013).

The special place in this process is taken fuel and energy and mineral raw material resources. It can lead to emergence in the near future in the nature of irreversible processes as a result of which environment will become unsuitable for life. High level of pollution of environment waste, acceleration of growth and irrational use and consumption of natural resources, energy, all water systems, the geographical environment, deterioration of a condition of ecological systems, destruction of separate populations of animals cause the necessity of serious approach to the solution of problems of a condition of the biosphere already in the near future.

Rational use of resources is the main factor guaranteeing transition of the Kazakhstan economy to a way of sustained economic growth and development. For Kazakhstan and its certain regions rational resource-saving the most effective and unique way of successful social and economic development and ensuring competitiveness of economy. Follows from the above that rational resource-saving is an important factor of economic growth since represents (The concept of transition, 2013): 1. Strategic source of accumulation of production potential in saving of investments; 2.


Formation and building of an effective export potential, active entry into the world market as the competitive subject of the international market relations; 3. Factor of rational environmental management, solution of environmental problems and optimization of nature protection strategy. Allocation of a problem of complex and rational use of resources in one of key in the conditions of the market relations increases the importance of their economy (The concept of transition, 2013). Research is based on use of scientific methods: generalizations from the particular to the general and from the general to the particular, analysis, forecasting, economic assessment.