Osnovi Uljtrazvukovoj Fetometrii A Yu Blinov M V Medvedev

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Ustanovitev skupne podružnice je rezultat triletnega tesnega sodelovanja med Fakulteto za management (članico Univerze na Primorskem) in Moskovsko šolo ekonomike (članico Državne univerze M. Lomonosova v Moskvi). Obe fakulteti sta avtorici skupnega izobraževanja za boljše gospodarsko sodelovanje. Mesto Koper je s tem postalo prvo evropsko izobraževalno središče Univerze Lomonosova, s tem pa tudi stičišče med Evropo in Rusijo na področju znanstveno-raziskovalnega in gospodarskega sodelovanja. Več na: UP Budi: UP.
Lea Department of Biological Sciences, Lancaster University, UK and Richard C. Drawing on their own teaching and research experience, the editors and contributors have provided a timely, comprehensive and generously illustrated new edition of this successful introductory textbook. All of the chapters have been updated and revised, and a new chapter on secondary metabolism has been included. Biochemistry and molecular biology of plants buchanan pdf files free. Leegood Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, UK As research in plant metabolism and molecular biology continues to make great progress it has become essential for plant scientists to have an overview of both disciplines, which are becoming increasingly complementary in understanding plant function. Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology will be invaluable to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the plant sciences and to all those requiring an introduction to current concepts in molecular plant science.