Parker Team Player Survey Free Download

Unformatted text preview: PARKER TEAM PLAYER SURVEY Purpose The Team-‐Player Survey will help you identify your style as a team player. The results will lead you to an assessment of your current strengths and provide a basis for a plan to increase your effectiveness as a team player. Team Player Survey Parker downloads at - Download free pdf files,ebooks and documents - Parker Team Player Survey - Constant Contact Abstract. The Parker Team Player Survey (PTPS) is designed as a self-report assessment of team player style as described in Parker's theory.

Team Member Styles • 1. Team Member Styles:What notes are you playing?
Dianne Rees (based on the work of Glenn Parker in Team Players and Teamwork: New Strategies for Developing Successful Collaboration) • Do you know these people? Are they on your team? Communicator collaboratorcontributor challenger • contributor Strengths I think we really need to focushigh standards Less productive when organized There’s too much information.authoritative I may not see the big picture. I’m pushing my team mates too hard. Responsible I’m too much of a perfectionist • collaborator Strengths So here’s the big picture.
Goal-directedforward-looking Less productive when I’ve overcommitted! Imaginative My focus is too global. Flexible I haven’t reviewed the mission. I don’t think about the needs of other team pitches in members • communicatorStrengths What do you all think?considerate relaxed Less productive when I won’t challenge you— I want us to get along!enthusiastic I’m all about the process—goals may slip.supportive I may overuse humor. I may seem manipulative or placating. Tactful • challengerStrengths Why are we doing this?
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Honest outspoken Less productive when I don’t know when to back off. Thorough I may push the team to take too many risks.questioning I can be self-righteous I become too much of a nit-picker.adventurous • It takes all four of these people to make a good team communicator collaboratorcontributor challenger • But people are complex communicator collaboratorcontributor challenger • You may have more than one style communicator collaboratorcontributor challenger • The adaptable team member Optimize your strengths and minimize the traits that make you less productive • The adaptable team member Like how someone else works with others?
Borrow their behaviors! • It takes different instruments to make a great band!See diversity as the thing that makes your team shine • Reference:Parker, G. Team Players and Teamwork: New Strategies forDeveloping Successful Collaboration.
San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons.