Possession 2002 Pasiune Film Subtitrat

Nov 4, 2018 - CLICK HERE to see this clip with Groban's music! There is my favourite vids from the movie 'Possession' (2002), wich discovery of the secret.

Sylvia Plath a fost una din cele mai mari poete si una din cele mai nefericite femei ale vremii sale. A iubit, a scris cateva carti importante si s-a sinucis tanara, lasand in urma o opera, doi copii si pe tatal acestora (poetul Ted Hughes). Interpretarea lui Gwyneth Paltrow in 'Sylvia' ne convinge ca Oscarul pentru 'Shakespeare in Love' n-a fost o eroare; sau a fost - rolul din 'Sylvia' e mai bun! Paltrow chiar este Plath: gesturile marunte & mari si toata acea pasiune devoratoare a Sylviei pentru sotul sau & poezia sa se regasesc, inteligente si incandescente, in interpretarea sa. Realizat de o femeie (neo-zeelandeza Christine Jeffs), 'Sylvia' e un film onest, curat, intr-o maniera usor televizuala si lipsit, poate, de 'nebunia' pe care i-ar fi adus-o australianca Jane Campion, de pilda.


Dar Paltrow si - in cateva scurte aparitii - genialul Michael. Sensibilitatea si frumusetea patrunzatoare a acestui film, in contrast cu umbra intunecata a disperarii care il insoteste, te opreste din mersul de banda rulanta al vietii si te invita insistent la a reflecta asupra unei serii de lucruri importante, incepand cu dragostea. De la dragoste in cuplu, la familie, apoi la viata, fericire, copii, responsabilitate, echilibru. Impreuna cu laturile opuse ale tuturor acestora. Daca lipsa de speranta si dependenta de fericire nu ar distruge echilibrul fiintei umane. Indiferent de calitatile sau genialitatea cuiva. Jocul actorilor, in special Gwyneth, si muzica filmului, scrisa de Gabriel Yared (care este pur si simplu deasupra oricarui calificativ), mi-a atras atentia in mod tulburator asupra acestei realizari cinematografice aparte, iesita in evidenta - pentru putini - din suvoiul peliculelor industriei de profil.

Chertyozh grindera. This will make it possible to fix the winding more tightly. The clip can be taken with a small width.

Roland Michell is an American scholar trying to make it in the difficult world of British Academia. He has yet to break out from under his mentor's shadow until he finds a pair of love letters that once belonged to one of his idols, a famous Victorian poet. Michell, after some sleuthing, narrows down the suspects to a woman not his wife, another well known Victorian poet. Roland enlists the aid of a Dr. Maud Bailey, an expert on the life of the woman in question.

Together they piece together the story of a forbidden love affair, and discover one of their own. They also find themselves in a battle to hold on to their discovery before it falls into the hands of their rival, Fergus Wolfe.

I've had a copy of this movie lying around for a couple of months and have never really gotten around to it primarily due to my love-hate feelings of Gwyneth Paltrow's movie choices. I was sure this would be another one of those cases where no more than 15 minutes into the movie I'd be way too put-off by her performance to want to finish it.

However, I was sorely mistaken. 'Possession' turned out to be a pleasantly charming surprise and I would recommend it to anyone who likes small, romantic films that are both witty and filled with lovey-dovey will-they or wont-they stuff. Paltrow and Eckhart are great and though the plot is pretty predictable, it never keeps you from really enjoying this picture. Neil LaBute has made a small gem. English majors especially will enjoy this pic. Coming from a harsh Gwyneth critic, this recommendation is well earned.