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Title: Inspiring engineers of the future Duration: 3:01 minutes Description: Harry Brekelmans and young Shell engineers and researchers highlight the importance of, and need for, talented people equipped with relevant STEM knowledge and skills. 32881_Shell_STEM_V4 Transcript [Background music plays] Gentle, majestic instrumental music with synthesised musical effects. Interview with Stefana Ciumpiliac [Title] Engineer Process Design, Process Design & Technology Support [Stefana Ciumpiliac] I would like to be able to solve energy-related problems of today’s world [Video footage] Wide high angle footage of an office space, various groups of people – the majority being young people – grouped together while engaged in informal discussion. High angle footage of Stefana Ciumpiliac, Tim Baart and Constant Guedon seated in modern reception-style chairs, engaged in discussion, a laptop open on a small low table in front of them. Close-up of Constant, his face seen in profile as he listens. [Text displays] Stefana Ciumpiliac Engineer Process Design, Process Design & Technology Support [Stefana Ciumpiliac] To be able to contribute to create cleaner energy solutions.

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[Video footage] Mid view of Stefana as she speaks to the off-screen interviewer, seen against the slightly out-of-focus background of a modern, multilevel corporate facility. Interview with Harry Brekelmans [Title] Projects & Technology Director [Harry Brekelmans] If we want to deliver ever more energy with ever lower carbon emissions [Video footage] Wide view footage of people moving about within the aforementioned modern, multilevel corporate facility, others seated together, engaged in discussion. Close-up of Stefana, head bent, and attention focused on the documents she is paging through. [Text displays] Harry Brekelmans Projects & Technology Director [Harry Brekelmans] Then we’re going to require all the skills and talents that our scientists and engineers and mathematicians can muster. [Video footage] Mid-view footage of Hans Brekelmans, as he speaks to the off-screen interviewer, seen against the background of an office environment. Interview with Stefana Ciumpiliac continued [Stefana Ciumpiliac] After successfully passing the assessed internship, I have been offered a job with Shell.

And here I am today. Ustrojstvo i princip raboti uzlov i agregatov teplovoza 2te10m in english. [Video footage] Wide footage of Stefana seated at a long table, head bent, and attention focused on documents in front of her, cutting to close-up footage of her as she pages through the documents. Mid view of Stefana as she speaks to the off-screen interviewer, seen against the slightly out-of-focus background of the modern, multilevel corporate facility. [Stefana Ciumpiliac] I think the main challenge companies like Shell face today, it’s attracting the right talent, the people that have the right skill set and the drive to work towards finding the right solution for delivering cleaner energy.

[Video footage] Slow motion wide angle footage of Stefana, Tim and Constant, walking abreast of one another along an open walkway with transparent side panels, approaching the shot. Mid view of Stefana as she speaks to the off-screen interviewer, seen against the slightly out-of-focus background of the modern, multilevel corporate facility. Slow-motion mid-view footage of Stefana, Tim and Constant approaching the shot, still walking abreast of one another, engaged in discussion. Mid view of Stefana as she speaks to the off-screen interviewer, seen against the slightly out-of-focus background of the modern, multilevel corporate facility. Interview with Tim Baart [Title] Researcher Gas Conversion [Tim Baart] After finishing my degree in Physics, I was looking for a job that has a strong research component [Video footage] Slow motion footage of Tim Baart, seen in profile, speaking into a cell phone, against the background of a laboratory environment, cutting to a profile close-up of Tim, speaking into the cell phone.

Ultraman the ultimate fighting pc download. [Text displays] Tim Baart Researcher Gas Conversion [Tim Baart] But also, that my research can be used with a large impact on the global society. [Video footage] Mid view of Tim as he speaks to the off-screen interviewer, seen against the slightly out-of-focus background of the modern, multilevel corporate facility.