Protokol Vskritiya Telenka Pri Gipotrofii

We believe that practicing Sustainable Development makes good business sense. In all our operations we consider each of these actions in making business decisions that demonstrate our commitment to the global Sustainable Development effort: Our business is the means by which we combine human ingenuity and natural resources to benefit mankind. Hence, economic responsibility dictates that we manage our business profitably to help drive economic growth and prosperity. Differential and integral calculus by love and rainville solution manual pdf fr. We believe that innovation is essential to achieving sustainable economic success.
We also invest extensively in research, development and new technologies as a foundation for future success. Active, Open and Honest Dialogue with All Stakeholders. Bayer is committed to continually improving our ecological performance in accordance with the Global Charter Responsible Care as our product lines and related manufacturing operations evolve.
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We will continue to monitor how our operations impact the environment and strive for continuous improvements. The health and safety of our employees, neighbors, customers, consumers and stakeholders are paramount, as is our continued stewardship of the environment and the quality and safe handling and use of our products. We will continue to address our social responsibilities through our commitment to help our employees, customers and community neighbors meet their changing personal and professional needs. We also will monitor and address the impact our business has on our plant neighbors, local communities and global society. To this end, we will continue to seek an active, open and honest dialogue with all stakeholders in appropriate forums. The Bayer Values and Leadership Principles are based on preserving and honoring the fundamental rights of every individual.
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Bayer will continue to seek to promote and protect human rights as defined in internationally accepted humanitarian standards set forth by the United Nations 1. This Sustainable Development approach to conducting our business aligns with Bayer’s Mission Statement: “Bayer: Science for a better life.” 2 To assure that we continue to demonstrate continual improvement in the Economic, Ecological and Social Responsibility pillars of Sustainable Development, we have introduced customized management systems to monitor and control progress, document the achievement of objectives, and optimize employee efforts in these areas. And we remain committed to truthfully report on our sustainability performance to all interested parties. 1 See “Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations,” December 1948 2 See Corporate leaflet “Bayer: Science For A Better Life,” July 2004.